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About Us

Fleet Tracking & Global-View.Net


Global-View.Net was created out of an intense interest in GPS tracking of assets and people. Our team has experience working on satellite down-link terminals at General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies and helped establish the satellite architecture, communication protocols, engineering requirements, and processes for many of the United States satellite constellations while working with the DoD.  This is where Global-View's interest and expertise in GPS device tracking and fleet tracking started. 

Global-View.Net has partnered with many GPS tracking device manufacturers and system integrator's, which allows us to support over 700 different types of GPS and Vehicle Tracking Devices. Global-View.Net has partnered with major cellular service providers, such as AT&T and

T-Mobile, and many others across the world to create a meshed network of service providers. We can support cellular communication and GPS tracking in over 100 countries across the world.  

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