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What is my Return on Investment (ROI)
on my Fleet Tracking Services or Live Streaming Dashcam Services?

If you are curious on how a tracking system can help your business save some money, and increase productivity, check out our calculator below. The typical benefits of having a tracking device and telematics device in your vehicles are:

  • ​Recovering loss or stolen assets, vehicles, tools

  • Increasing employee productivity by gaining data to help train your employees

  • Peace of mind and security, knowing the position of your assets and people is priceless (but unquantifiable)

  • Increasing customer satisfaction by being able to answer your customers common questions, Why are they late? Where are my items?

The calculator below focuses on the first 2 quantifiable bullets, recovering assets and improving your employees productivity. As you will see, the results and potential ROI on this small investment can be AMAZING!

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